(813) 620-3990

Sales tax added for

Florida residents only.






The following guidelines are provided to assist you in submitting art that will ensure satisfaction and timely completion of your order. Submitted art is printed "as is." We assume that the art and/or copy you submit is to your satisfaction and correct.

Production Ready Art is defined as black and white line art that has sharp, clean lines, requires no retouching, is complete with text and/or graphics, printed on film or transparent/translucent paper (vellum) and is to size. Clean black and white copies printed at 1200 dpi or higher are also acceptable.

We expect that you have proofread your art and/or copy before sending it to us and that it is correct and ready for immediate processing.

Spot color separations submitted in paper form are only acceptable if colors do not touch each other. If colors touch, they require trapping and registration and must be submitted in digital form.

• Maximum size of production ready art accepted is 12"x 12" Artwork is not returned unless requested.

Art is NOT Production Ready if it is:

  • in color
  • a gray tone, halftone, shadow, texture or screen - photocopied or faxed
  • a business card, stationary or newsprint - soiled, smudged, torn or bent

Film - If you are supplying film, please contact us for specifications.

Halftones - Digital scans of the original photograph or artwork should be scanned at 600 dpi and at the size to be used on the finished piece or submit the original photograph/art.

Typestyles - If we are to set type for your order, we will match the typestyle as closely as possible to your supplied copy or artwork unless otherwise instructed.


Digital Art - We accept artwork submitted on 3.5" floppy disks, 100mb Zip disks, CD-ROM or via E-mail.

E-mail Art:

  • File size must not exceed 8Mb (megabytes)
  • Please include PO number in the subject line. Your message must contain your company name, contact information and the product specifications the art is for
  • E-mail art to:

Files on CDs and ZIP Disks must not exceed 100mb in size.

The following file formats are preferred (PC format only):

  • .ai (Adobe Illustrator 9)
  • .eps (Encapsulated PostScript)
  • .wfm (Windows Metafile)
  • .emf (Enhanced Metafile)
  • .tiff (black and white only, at 600 DPI)

Please, make sure all fonts are converted to curves/outlines before saving your file. Attach all support files such as fonts and linked or embedded artwork used in the creation of the design.

The use of the following files is not recommended and may not be accepted:
(Artwork charges will apply)

  • .bmp (bitmap)
  • .gif
  • .jpg
  • .pcx
  • .pict

Note: The submission of files generated by non-graphic programs such as Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, MS Excel, Powerpoint, Lotus, etc. will not be accepted.

Include a hard copy of your artwork that shows layout, size and color breaks. • KEEP a back-up copy of your digital art files in the event of an e-mail transmission error or disk error.